Posts from February 2020

Whose Kingdom?

Daily Bread #8 A Thought To Ponder: John Byrnes lived his life a self-described “drunken bum.”  But in September of 1997, this Queens resident proved to be much more than he appeared.  John was walking down the street in his neighborhood when he noticed smoke pouring out of the windows of Sonia Lopez’s home.  John…

Deliver Us From Evil

Daily Bread 2020 #7 A Thought To Ponder: You probably immediately recognize the name of Sir Edmund Hillary.  In May of 1953, the New Zealand beekeeper and explorer became the first man to step foot on the top of Mt. Everest.  Often called the “roof of the world,” this peak sits at 29,029 feet above…

Words of life

A Thought To Ponder:  “He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for every one has need of forgiveness.”  –  George Herbert Words are powerful beyond measure. They can inspire us to take up the cause of the broken.  They can incite us…

Bread for today

Daily Bread 2020 #5 A Thought To Ponder: Jesus is the bread of life.  Bread not just for one day but for everyday.  Bread that fills our hunger for love and acceptance and safety.  Bread that doesn’t spoil or mold but continues to sustain us.    Bread that assures that His mercies will be there for…