Church News

Youth Minister Search

The Lake Cities Church of Christ is looking for a dynamic, passionate servant to join us in the role of youth minister. Please read the description below, and contact us if you are interested! ——– The mission statement of Lake Cities Church of Christ is “Love God, Love Each Other and Serve  as Jesus Served.”…

Fall Festival Support

Mark your calendars for our annual Fall Festival on October 20th, from 4:30-6:30pm. We will have free food, and a variety of fun family-friendly activities. Before our festival arrives, I need your help! Here are three ways you can support the Fall Festival:

Exodus VBS Registration

Join us June 17th-19th from 6:30-8pm for Exodus: Escape from Egypt! Each night will begin with Bible Class (6:30-7:15pm) for children ages 2 through 5th Grade, followed by singing and a musical performance of the story from 7:15pm-8pm. Online Registration will begin May 15th and be active until June 16th at 6pm. Please click below…

David VBS Registration

Join us June 19th-21st from 6:30-8pm for David: The Heart of a King! Each night will begin with Bible Class (6:30-7:15pm) for children ages 2 through 5th Grade, followed by singing and a musical performance of the story from 7:15pm-8pm. Online Registration will begin May 17th and be active until June 18th at 12pm. Please…

Wednesday Night Classes

Please join us at 6:30 to study and fellowship together. We have classes for all ages. The Men’s class is studying Paul’s letters and has a concentrated time of prayer. The Adult class is going through a study of the Beattitudes in the Fellowship room. Children ages 2 through 5th grade meet together in the…