Calendar Of Events
April 25th – God’s Guys and God’s Girls
April 18th – Praise Team Rehearsal from 1:45-2:45. This is open to all members. Come join us as we learn new songs.
April 14th – We are returning to adult, teens, and children’s classes on Wednesday nights! Join us at 7:00pm
Beard Family Meal Train: Jason and Amanda Beard welcomed their third son, Samuel Henry Beard on March 26th. After two weeks in the NICU, Samuel is finally home with his two older brothers William and Charlie. Let’s lighten the load and share our joy with the Beard family by providing a meal every other day over the next two weeks.
Please click the link below to sign up to provide a meal.
Sunday Bible Classes 9:40-10:20am
LC Kids:We will have 4 classes with mixed age groups. Join us as we learn about the Bible in chronological order.
2’s/3’s will meet in the 2’s/3’s room
Age 4-1st grade will meet in the Kinder/1st grade room
2nd-3rd Grade will meet in the 2nd/3rd grade room
4th-5th grade will meet in the 4th/5th grade room
Refuge: Class for 6th-12th grade. Join us for donuts and a study of Daniel.
Adult: Where In The World Is Mt. Sinai?
Teacher: Jim McDoniel
Description: Why was crossing the Jordan difficult? Where did Elijah go to hide from Jezebel, and where is Mt. Horeb?
In our auditorium class, we are going to study familiar Biblical events and show where those events happened. We will study geography by looking at an event and why that place became important. Join us at 9:40!
Ladies Bible Class: Beginning this morning in the fellowship room. Be a part of a wonderful group of sisters in Christ!

Sunday Morning Class (9:40am): Starting this Sunday! We will be going through Daniel! PLUS DONUTS!!!
Wednesday Night Class (7:00pm): NEW SERIES!
Senior Sunday: May 23rd
April 25th:
Middle School Movie Night! 6:30pm
High School @ Big Shots in Roanoke! 3:30pm – 5pm
Arlington Workcamp: June 1st – June 4th Deadline: May 3rd
VBS: June 21st – 23rd
Wilderness Trek: June 26th – July 3rd Deadline: May 2nd
Dallas Service Week: July 5th – 8th

Sunday Morning Bible Classes: This week we are learning about the temptation of Adam and Eve!
Wednesday Night Bible Class: Children ages 2-5th grade will be learning about the Parables. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm for the Parable of the Talents!
Camp Poieo: We are joining with Legacy Church of Christ for camp June 7-11. Current 2nd-5th graders are invited to experience this week of worship and fun. The deadline to register is May 2nd! For more information, contact Leah Ross.
Summer Calendars: Our LC Kids Summer Event Calendar is available on the foyer table. Be sure to pick one up today!

NEXT SUNDAY (April 25th): Boys and girls talking about Jesus! The last Sunday of each month our 1st grade through 7th grade students meet right after second service for games, Bible lessons, and a meal. We would love for your kid to come be a part of the fun!

THIS SUNDAY- Ladies Bible Class will begin meeting in the Fellowship Room at 9:40am! Be a part of a wonderful group of sisters in Christ!
A Word Of Encouragement
Last Monday in staff meeting, Jeff challenged the staff to move past our survival thinking. We have had to entertain that mindset for months, but Jeff pointed o that it is time for us to think of the church thriving. I commend his challenge to all of us. Remember Peter’s words as he ended II Peter, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” Grow! Thrive! Work! Believe!
-JIm McDoniel
Elders Meeting
The Elders and Jeff meet on Monday evening at 7:00pm. If you have a prayer request, tell one of the Elders or email the Elders at If you want to meet with us, in-person or with ZOOM, contact the Elder of the month.
April Kelly Valtr: 817-917-1915