Calendar Of Events
Sunday Bible Classes 9:40-10:20am
LC Kids:We will have 4 classes with mixed age groups. Join us as we learn about the Bible in chronological order.
2’s/3’s will meet in the 2’s/3’s room
Age 4-1st grade will meet in the Kinder/1st grade room
2nd-3rd Grade will meet in the 2nd/3rd grade room
4th-5th grade will meet in the 4th/5th grade room
Refuge: Class for 6th-12th grade. Join us for donuts and a New series ‘Rivers and Roads’
Adult: Where In The World Is Mt. Sinai?
Teacher: Jim McDoniel
On May 2, our auditorium class will continue studying Paul trials and his sermons before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa. Then, out of his appearance before Felix, we see his journey to Rome. These events are recorded in Acts 23-28.
Ladies Bible Class: Meets in the fellowship room every Sunday. Be a part of a wonderful group of sisters in Christ!
Our Ladies bible class is studying 2 Peter 1:3-11. Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by His Divine power. On May 2, we will continue discussing God’s Promises and ways to add to our faith. This week only we will meet in the children’s room at the end of the hall to the right when you enter the foyer.

Sunday Morning Class (9:40am): Starting this Sunday! We will be going through Daniel! PLUS DONUTS!!!
Wednesday Night Class (7:00pm): NEW SERIES: Not So With You
Senior Sunday: May 23rd
Arlington Workcamp: June 1st – June 4th Deadline: May 3rd
VBS: June 21st – 23rd
Wilderness Trek: June 26th – July 3rd Deadline: May 2nd
Dallas Service Week: July 5th – 8th

Sunday Morning Bible Classes: This week we are learning about the Tower of Babel.
Wednesday Night Bible Class: Children ages 2-5th grade will be learning about the Parables. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm for the Parable of the Vineyard.
Camp Poieo: We are joining with Legacy Church of Christ for camp June 7-11. Current 2nd-5th graders are invited to experience this week of worship and fun. The deadline to register is THIS SUNDAY! For more information, contact Leah Ross.
Summer Calendars: Our LC Kids Summer Event Calendar is available on the foyer table. Be sure to pick one up today!

June 27th: Boys and girls talking about Jesus! Our 1st grade through 7th grade students meet right after second service for games, Bible lessons, and a brown bag meal. We would love for your child to come be a part of the fun!

Ladies Bible Class is meeting in the Fellowship Room at 9:40am every Sunday! Be a part of a wonderful group of sisters in Christ!
Our Ladies bible class is studying 2 Peter 1:3-11. Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by His Divine power. On May 2, we will continue discussing God’s Promises and ways to add to our faith. This week only we will meet in the children’s room at the end of the hall to the right when you enter the foyer.
A Word Of Encouragement
Were you blessed to see the sunrise the morning of March 10th, 2019? Daylight savings time ushered in that Sunday morning and inadvertently altered my timing, placing me in an advantageous place to see it as I drove to church. The prelude as the sun approached the horizon was spectacular as the red glow reflected off the altocumulus clouds, creating a fantastic but fleeting display of colors in the Eastern sky. Unlike the Grand Canyon experience where the sunrise spectacle lasts only a few seconds, this event lasted minutes, giving me ample time to alter my route and head eastward in order to prolong the experience. Atmospheric refraction allows a view of the sun before the actual sunrise, and today the clouds created an opening at just the right time to allow the huge orange ball to be briefly visible.

As the ball continued its rise into the sky, the brilliance of the light source peeking through the striations in the clouds forced those watching to divert their gaze slightly off-center. The intense white light reminded me of the apparent similarity of looking upon God’s face, and our inability to look upon either. However, at the same time, the Holy Spirit erupts within me to give me thoughts and words to describe the experience, words I do not totally own or recognize later as I read them as being mine. It is moments like this that bolster our faith in God and convince us once again and evermore of the reality of God and eternity.
-David Johnson
Elders Meeting
The Elders and Jeff meet on Monday evening at 7:00pm. If you have a prayer request, tell one of the Elders or email the Elders at If you want to meet with us, in-person or with ZOOM, contact the Elder of the month.
May: Trey O’Connell 512-844-1434