Posts by admin (Page 3)

Newsletter – 4/1/21

Calendar Of Events April 11th – Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 11th, when we will be honoring Brock Baker and Olivia Cagle. Join us in the fellowship room for a wedding shower. Brock & Olivia’s Registry: Macy’sBed Bath & BeyondAmazon Bible Classes To Begin Next Week! 9:40-10:20am LC Kids:We will have 3 classes with mixed…

Wednesday (Feb 17, 2021) In-person Meeting Cancelled

Due to the inclement weather, we will not have any in-person activities at the Lake Cities Church of Christ this evening (Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021). We invite you to visit our YouTube channel ( for a special Wednesday edition of our online series, “Words with Friends” which will be available at 7pm (CST) tonight. God…

No In-Person Meetings on Sunday or Monday (Feb 14 & 15)

The National Weather Service is forecasting snow at 9:00am on Sunday Morning.  Road conditions are likely to deteriorate Sunday through Monday.  To keep everyone as safe as possible, we are cancelling all in-person meetings at the building for Sunday and Monday.  We will meet online at 10:30am for Sunday Morning service!  Ladies Bible class will not…

Wednesday (Feb 10, 2021) Night Service Cancelled

Due to the threat of inclement weather, we will not have any in-person activities at the Lake Cities Church of Christ this evening (Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021). We invite you to visit our YouTube channel ( for a special Wednesday edition of our online series, “Words with Friends” which will be available at 7pm (CST)…