New Bible Classes

New Bible classes begin September 13, 2015:

Class Title:  Parenting Built On The Rock
Class Teacher:  Todd Tunnell  (Guest Presenter and Principal at Timber Creek High School)
Class Location:  Fellowship Room
Class Duration:  12 weeks

Is your house set in the bedrock of the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ? This class focuses on the importance of the spiritual foundation upon which we raise our children.  In Matthew 7:24-25 Jesus said,  “The winds came and beat upon the house but it stood because it had a solid foundation…” Using an engineering analogy of foundations, this class will examine how to create a strong base for your children and family, how to maintain these relationships, and how to handle times of trouble and strife.   This will be an invaluable tool for raising our children in the Lord.

Class Title:  Spirituality Beyond the Superficial
Class Teachers:  Jeff Brooks & Dick McGinn
Class Location:  Auditorium
Class Duration:  12 weeks

More often than not, our relationships with others can often be described as very superficial.  They’re really not very deep.  Likewise, and of great concern, our relationship with God can also be very superficial.  In this class we intend to discuss this topic of concern; and more important, what actions we may take to insure our relationship with our God is in fact deeper and more intimate.  Please plan to attend and to join us in discussing this very important subject.