Thoughts (Page 8)

You’re Next

From the blog of Chet McDoniel… Seeing as how it was my second trip to the DMV in one day, you can understand how my patience was already quite thin.  I had spent the day running errands, and my first trip to the DMV ended in failure as I was told I needed my wife’s…

Going Viral

You may have heard the story of Johnny the Bagger. It’s one of my favorites and is a perfect illustration for all the “one anothering” we’ve been studying these past few weeks. Barbara Glanz is a nationally known motivational speaker and corporate trainer. While speaking to a convention for a very successful grocery chain, she…

The Gospel Truth

I heard the “true” story of a woman who explained that her favorite spot at the local zoo was the “House of Night.” This particular enclosure housed all the nocturnal creatures that crawled, slithered, flew, and generally creeped everyone out. She said “One very bright day, I stepped into the exhibit and was plunged into…