Announcements (Page 5)

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Financial Peace University Begins September 9th

What if you could be debt-free with an emergency fund of 3–6 months of expenses saved, all while investing for retirement and planning for your family’s future? Sound impossible? It’s not! With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you CAN take control of your money. If you’re interested in learning more about the group, message me!…

Ladies’ Class Resumes on Wednesday Nights

The Wednesday night ladies Bible study group has begun meeting again, after a long summer break. We will begin at 6:45 PM immediately following the supper. Our 11 weeks study is “Becoming a Woman of Prayer,” by Cynthia Heald. All ladies are welcome. We enjoy a time of prayer, Bible study and beautiful fellowship.

2017 Missions Emphasis

“The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the son of God.” – Mark 1:1 Everything hinges on this: do you or do you not believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God? Jesus spent his years of ministry on Earth demonstrating his kingship, his divinity, his compassion. He was like nothing that…

Autism Awareness Event

You are invited to an Autism Awareness Event hosted by Kathryn Manly.  Learn about what autism is, and experience some of what it’s like to be autistic.  They will have sensory example items, books to reference, and more!  This event will be held here at Lake Cities, Saturday, August 20, from 9:30-11:30 a.m.  For more information email…

New Women’s Ministry: Heart to Home

New Women’s Ministry Starting:  Heart to Home small groups will kick off in September.  Based on Titus 2:3-5, this mentoring ministry encourages older & younger women to care for one another, build trusting bonds, and to grow closer to God.  We encourage all ladies to sign up and participate in this exciting new ministry. Participants will…

New Secret Sister Program

Ladies, we are excited to start up a Secret Sister program.  It will run the remainder of the year and end with a reveal party in December.  There are questionnaires on the round table in the foyer.  Please take one and fill it out and return it to Cindi Black.  If you have any questions…

Introducing Check-Ins

It is a wonderful season here at Lake Cities. We are seeing a lot of growth, and welcoming wonderful people into our church family. As a church, our kids’ safety is one of our top priorities. We want to ensure that every child that enters a classroom is returned to you with a smile. It is with this in…