Think of your happiest memories. The best day of life. How would you describe “the good life?” It probably doesn’t revolve around making a lot of money or having a big house or looking a certain way. You’re probably thinking of weddings and baptisms and birthdays and a time when your entire family was together.…
Relationships are messy. Do you know someone in your life that is hard to love? An “extra grace” person? The Apostle Peter looks at three relationships that are often difficult and seldom easy. Whether it’s the political arena, the workplace, or our own marriage, Peter says the key to all of our relationships is submission.…
The gospel, when it was spoken, came in unique words. Words that created life in the hearts of people whose destiny was destruction. Today we are inundated with words. Facebook, emails, blogs, texts, advertisements. It’s a wonder we can hear anything over all the racket. Peter says the gospel words are just as powerful as…
We are all of us part of a story bigger than ourselves, a spiritual house, a family that started before we were born and will continue to go on after the Lord calls us home. We’ve been chosen to be a part of something more amazing than we can imagine. We are his people, his…
The apostle Peter calls us to live radically different lives. Being born again by the power of grace to live new lives led by the power of the Spirit. Lives that spurn the world and the selfish desires of sin. Lives that yearn for God and crave Him like newborn babies crave milk. Lives…
We live in a culture that celebrates winners. We elevate the exceptional. We say it is the achievers that are worth talking about. It’s the excellent and the good looking, brilliant people who take center stage with a white hot spot light. But, what about those of who don’t fit that description? The last place…
Imagine you had a chest full of treasure, or a wallet full of one hundred dollar bills, or a truck full of Krispy Kreme Donuts. How would you feel? What would you do? The letter of 1 Peter is written to a group of persecuted Christians living in Northern Turkey in the second half of…