Sermons by Jeff Brooks (Page 46)

Suffering For Doing Good

It’s never been a simple thing, an easy thing, to follow Jesus in this world.  The Christians, that the Apostle Peter first wrote his letter to, were Christians who faced daily social challenges because of their faith. Daily rejections. Daily questions.   They were scared, persecuted, and unsure.  Listen to the words of the Apostle…

The Good Life

Think of your happiest memories.  The best day of life.  How would you describe “the good life?”  It probably doesn’t revolve around making a lot of money or having a big house or looking a certain way.  You’re probably thinking of weddings and baptisms and birthdays and a time when your entire family was together.…

Louder Than Words

The gospel, when it was spoken, came in unique words.  Words that created life in the hearts of people whose destiny was destruction.  Today we are inundated with words.  Facebook, emails, blogs, texts, advertisements.  It’s a wonder we can hear anything over all the racket.  Peter says the gospel words are just as powerful as…

Growing Up Is Hard To Do

The apostle Peter calls us to live radically different lives.  Being born again by the power of grace to live new lives led by the power of the Spirit.   Lives that spurn the world and the selfish desires of sin.  Lives that yearn for God and crave Him like newborn babies crave milk.  Lives…